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27th of Febuary....
I've received my transcript of the entrance exam.

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It's Valentine's Day today!
But it's not the point for now.

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2月12號 大年初六

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既然是要back to school

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 Everything's over ,and have a good Mouse year!!!
 The entrance exam was over,and I did.... not perfect.

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All of a sudden,
I found myself such a silly girl.

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Welcome to 2008!

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  We had finished our mock exam today.I have to say,my good luck lasts only one day.I almost spoil my science and society.I don't make progress at all.That's sad.My English is not as good as I thought.I am heartborken!!XD...I think I still need to improve all of them.

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  We had our third mock exam today. We took Chinese , math and society this day.I thought I might have got a bad score on math; however,I did well on it.Although I guessed half of the questions, I still got 40 percent of the grade.What I can say is that I am really lucky, I can't believe that at first.And then I was extremely excited.In a word,this is the best grade I have ever got over other official exams, but it's not a really good grade.開懷大笑

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      I had my hair trimmed last night by myself.I trimmed my bang because I wanna have a new look for the coming days. When I was on my road to scgool this morning, I met 阿仁. She was the first person who saw my hairdo. When I got to classroom , some people just noticed that I am  kinda different.haha...開懷大笑Anyway, I received much compliment today,including my friends and teachers.Haha...really thank you!

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Our final exam is on next Wednesday.

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"We are so great?"said Tiffany and Mom confusedly.

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哈~真開心 這個禮拜總共上了5節的電腦課吧!

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  • Dec 03 Sun 2006 18:08
  • 無題

(I just think to myself I have to update a new article...

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A week has gone through...Well...I still can't figure out what I am supposed to do next.

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