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禮拜五下午的兩節課 謝坤山來我們學校演講 !!

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因為最近好累 沒空...etc.

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 I don't wanna have this 1500m race....God! It will kill me!!!I'm so miserable.It's crummy!

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  • Sep 15 Fri 2006 23:09
  • Ease

Friday is the best day of a week.We had some easy classes today.We had a test of geography.But my grade is not very good actually...  Our art teacher showed us some picture of comics and cartoons.He wanted us to know the ways they drew.(ha...)Some of them are really alien to me.Because I don't go in for comics stuff.I don't know why.But why teacher didn't show us the comic "Momoco"?(haha...not sure!)The figures are cute! After English class,we measured our weight and length in the Health Center.To my surprise,I grow i cm up.hahahahaha....It doesn't make any difference to me!But,I am still happy about it!However,I'm a near-sighted girl.And I think my vision becomes more and more weak.That's poor!

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My mood got better.

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開學第三天 哎~沒有開學的喜悅 反而有一絲的憂鬱 不知道為什麼

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開學了...好累~雖然說昨天很早就趴在床上了~但是睡不著啊!!!所以今天很累~早上一來本來國文要考試的~但是大家都在混~不知道怎樣就不考了~班導又出然出現!!嚇到!後來我們又把教室地板刷了一次...我們已經刷了3次了!天哪!刷完之後~老師讓留級生上台跟我們自我介紹&讓美芳老師跟我們講一些話~就大概9點了~下去開業式....站站站站站~高中部被罵的頗慘!!老師們火氣真大!  孟娟跟若萍事司儀耶!加油呀~兩位!有介紹到一位老師---吳蜀彭 她是歷史老師唷!從德國回來的!酷耶~我印象最深刻的是國2在上南京大屠殺的時候~她突然唱起軍歌~還眼框泛淚!整個就是被她感動到 (所以從那個時候討厭日本人吧)嗯...大概是降子!總之在這個過程中我們站的非常累!大概有1個小時吧!幸運的是我們不會曬到太陽~

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I really don't know why I will go out with them today!!XD....I helped them do thier English reflection.ha...It relly improved MY English wrting,not theirs! They appreciated me a lots I think.What is my return?A free lunch...Okay,that's enough!!I have helped 4 people now.Is there anyone in need of helping!?I'm serious,please trust me!

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I've finished two of my composition.It's still a long way to go.interview?math?Chinese?poems?reports? can I finish them?It's hard!

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Ya~I'm having my vacation again.....But the time is for homework...That's so mean!

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  • Aug 17 Thu 2006 21:19
  • Change


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Today is the last Monday in the summer school.But life's still tiring.I didn't finish reviewing my books.And we had a lot of tests today.Chinese English history geography....I think history is more and more difficult...

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話說今年的颱風還真弱....不是沒影響到台北就是跟台灣擦身而過~害我期待了兩次~也失望了兩次....= =

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I felt kind of sorry for the boy,who got the bee's "kiss."It must hurt.Thank you very much for the test today.haha....You are nice.XD...By the way,those bees are mean and terrible....I hate them....Actually,I hate all kinds of insect.They are disgusting.....=_=...god bless you!I will pray for you!!lol....

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