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那個...就是啊,感謝各位朋友多年來的光臨,但是蘇西我現在真的是懶得打一些跟私生活有關的日記,加上這個部落格快被我搞爛了,了無新意,想說應該是時候來點創新了,所以我又創了新的Blogger,走的是阿拉伯路線,因為我從約旦回國之後就一直對那邊念念不忘,原本在這個部落格跟阿文有關的東西我都已經移到那邊去了,我會不定期在那跟大家分享一些"好聽的"阿拉伯音樂(我沒豪洨喔,真的好聽,雖然偶爾也會有靡靡之音XD),那就請大家繼續支持蘇西囉~!!  想要發簍我的阿文小動態也可以加我FB唷 :

部落格網址 : (Susie's Arabian Nights in Tawan)

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السلام عليكم



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Natacha Altas is a Belgian singer who is famous for her fusion of Arabic and Western electronic music. She has Moroccan, Egyptian and Palestinian origin. That is why her music is mixed in those dialects. This song is about war...I think! 

It also appeared in the movie "Amreeka", which talked about a mother went to America with her son to start their new life. 

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This is a Jordanian rock band called Akher Zapheer, which means "last exhalation."(lol...?)

Dayman mawjood can be translated as "always there","always existent" or something like that. 

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Okay, so today is the said to be the end of the world?  I am gonna share a nice song with you since I am lucky enough to stay here alive. lol This is Aziz Maraka's song "Bidaya al-nihaya." It sounds  kinda different from his former works in my opinion...

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It is actually a grieved song, also from Yazan Al Rousan.

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I can't embed this clip here, so you have to click the link above.

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Samo Zain (سامو زين) is a Syrian singer growing up in Kuwait, but I thought he is Egyptian.hahahahaha This song is also called msh qader, but you can feel the different styles of their melodies. Both are nice!  Samo's version is more Oriental to me.


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Yazan Al Rousan(يزن الروسان) is an originally Jordanian singer, born in Amman in 1977, then got his B.A. in the Jordan Academy of Music in 2002. Then he moved to Tunis for his master in musicology. Aspirin, is his latest project. The concept is to create a new genre, uncommon style and to play really joyful and funny music inspired from usual life aspects.


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Souad Massi (سعاد ماسي) is an famous Algerian singer. Her music displays Western musical style influences such as rock, country or the Portuguese fado but sometimes incorporates oriental musical influences and oriental instruments like the oud as well as African musical stylings. She sings in Algerian Arabic, French, and occasionally English and Kabyle (Berber language), often employing multiple languages in the same song. (Info derived from Wikipedia.)


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Today I am gonna introduce you a talented Lebanese singer called Mike Massy. This song "Ghayyer Lawn Ouyounak", which was released in 2012 from his album "Ya Zaman", totally drives me crazy. His voice is so soft and magnetic! I can't help replaying it on my laptop these days. He's really something!


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This music video was filmed in the concert BAB (Bands Across Borders) in Amman, 2011. It is one of my favorite songs of Aziz Maraka. This song is talking about a guy who wanted to end a relationship with a girl. 


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今天會分享這首歌是因為它的鋼琴前奏很吸引我,完全不令人討厭! 歌名則是叫做we malo, 在埃及方言意指"假使"的意思。Amr Diab是埃及的大明星,已經紅了很長很的一段時間,他出過至少10張專輯吧,但我只喜歡這首~哈哈 XD


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好想回安曼啊!今天要介紹的是一個約旦歌手!Aziz Maraka (عزيز مرقة) is one of my personally favorite  Jordanian singers. He makes alternative Arabic music, which is different from traditional Arabic music. I love him~~~


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Elissa是我最愛的阿拉伯女歌手~~<3  有興趣的人可以去搜尋她早期的專輯,有拉丁音樂的風格(不像傳統阿文歌那樣令人倒彈),我推薦بدي دوب跟كلمة حب。 Remember (faker) 這首歌來自同一張專輯,超好聽,沒有那種像蒼蠅在嗡嗡叫般的轉音XD


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Fi Oyounak是黎巴嫩女歌手Elissa 2012年發的新歌,我覺得很好聽(至少前奏不錯),就醬,enjoy~


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其實這是寫作課的作業,題目是 : 對塗鴉的看法,本來想抄偽機百科再翻譯但後來發現我根本就高估自己的阿文能力,所以只好作罷乖乖自己寫.....

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