
I am too tired to tell you guys much about what had happened this week,just repeating my daily routine everyday.

Go to school,go to classes,go home,sleep,waste time...(oh that's my boring schedule!)

So?I gotta tell you something interesting!

There was a reception for freshman of Arabic department on Tuesday.

So it was my first time to see all my classmates.

There are only 10 guys out of 48 people of my class!

We were making self-introduction to all the people there.

Haha,I've made everybody remember who I am.

As for Wed. Thu. and Fri. .....  All school days.

I didn't skip classes,so I am a good student!lol....

I really like my foreign teachers.They are so funny when teaching.

On the contrary,Taiwanese teachers are just more strict on us.

Sigh~I've got some assignments!!

oh! My Arabic name is شريفة.   (Sharifah)

The teacher who gave me this name still remembers who I am!!

It's so nice of him!ha!

Most of the people in my class are struggling with their "tongues"!XD

It's the same thing I've gone through.


You got it?

But pronunciation is not the biggest problem~

We have to memorize all the Arabic alphabets and know how to read them correctly....BEFORE MONDAY!!!

Jesus kill me please!

I have butterflies in my stomach now!

Today~it's another reception for all the freshman of NCCU.

What I can say is............................

WTF it was soooo boring most of the time!!!

What amazed me was...

magic show(God,amazing!!),

singing show(there was a cute girl who looks like Snow White!really!!)

well,I forgot!

I can't believe I just sat there from 8 am to 5 pm! like a doofus!

The only motivation for us to stay there is......

BBQ at the river bank!!!!

The atmosphere was nice,the people were interesting,the food was...okay!

The show was awesome!! I like her voice!

So my Saturday ended in this way.


(I am so irresponsoble!)


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