Please visit my second blog from now on :
開學了...好累~雖然說昨天很早就趴在床上了~但是睡不著啊!!!所以今天很累~早上一來本來國文要考試的~但是大家都在混~不知道怎樣就不考了~班導又出然出現!!嚇到!後來我們又把教室地板刷了一次...我們已經刷了3次了!天哪!刷完之後~老師讓留級生上台跟我們自我介紹&讓美芳老師跟我們講一些話~就大概9點了~下去開業式....站站站站站~高中部被罵的頗慘!!老師們火氣真大!  孟娟跟若萍事司儀耶!加油呀~兩位!有介紹到一位老師---吳蜀彭 她是歷史老師唷!從德國回來的!酷耶~我印象最深刻的是國2在上南京大屠殺的時候~她突然唱起軍歌~還眼框泛淚!整個就是被她感動到 (所以從那個時候討厭日本人吧)嗯...大概是降子!總之在這個過程中我們站的非常累!大概有1個小時吧!幸運的是我們不會曬到太陽~

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He told me that try to make my intention clear if I want further,but not too strongly.It's his advice.

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I really don't know why I will go out with them today!!XD....I helped them do thier English reflection.ha...It relly improved MY English wrting,not theirs! They appreciated me a lots I think.What is my return?A free lunch...Okay,that's enough!!I have helped 4 people now.Is there anyone in need of helping!?I'm serious,please trust me!

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蘇西 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Breakaway 美夢成真

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Cool 淡了

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Okay~I've finished the second reflection of the book.The last one I decide to write the issue of English.I found I like it more and more.I found a book ,which contains 150 aphorisms.There are indeed some good sentences.Now I can understand what "reading refines a person" means!

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I've finished two of my composition.It's still a long way to go.interview?math?Chinese?poems?reports? can I finish them?It's hard!

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Ya~I'm having my vacation again.....But the time is for homework...That's so mean!

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