
     Well...I've been ignoring my blog for ages. I wonder why I used to have so much time and ideas to write articles before?lol... Since what I wrote in Chinese is always nonsense, I will write in English this time.

     I've finished my junior year in university on June 23. It was also Mr. Ghassan's retirement day. He's really a wonderful teacher who I will remember & repect forever.Thank you so much for your devoting, my dear teacher!!

     Guess what I have done this semester? I think there has been much breakthrough for myself. For example?? I pretend myself as a Japanese girl in a sailor uniform, singing lustful songs on to the crazy idea from Butheinah. It was really a crazy hit!!! Sadly i don't think I will have one more chance to do it again, still looking forward to your performance next year huh!:P

     BTW, the trip to Beijing in this January was also a unforgettable memory for me. No matter the shitty frozen weather or the magnificent Palace...too much to say...Not until do I realize how small Taiwan is until I went to China, but I love Taiwan most!!LOL

     What else? Maybe being mentally true to some friends...? Actually i am someone who never show the real emotions to others since i know some things are just impossible to change, but I don't know why I have been so mentally fragile these months. Tears are often to see on my face these days, and I can't tolarate many things anymore while I used to be numb. Gathering much courage, I finally had a chance to speak out my complaint. Do I feel better? Maybe! 

     Also, I tried to do something interesting with my dear friend Ruba these months. We created some opportunities to improve ourselves in studying.We tried hard to achieve on an important exam, but what defeated us wasn't the difficulty of being dedicate but the damn easy questions. Still.......Thank you for always keeping me company in many things I dare not to do on my own.:) I hope you will have a wonderful year in Jordan!!

     21th Birthday... It was fun at first but unexpectedly dangerous in the end... Anyway I started to think that I have to be a good drinker...of course for wine. Alcohol doesn't make a person evil, but his heart. You don't have to agree with me though!lol...However, everyone has a dark side. Same for me for sure. Why did I feel a sense of loss when I heard of a good news? I should be happy.  I will try to do it more perfectly next time. Yeah...I will. In conclusion, reality is just complicated and disgusting. I was kinda frightened when I experienced...Sick!

     As for the coming new year...Just like my birthday wish, I hope I can get a long vacation for one year!!hahahahahaha!!!

     I write down the note just in case I will forget gradually some day.


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