
Rashid, how to say murmur in Arabic? (Reply me if you see this!):P


Well,there was an event that I thought I would have noted something down here,but I was too lazy. It was the camping of Arabic department.

In short, it was great and unforgettable!

okay,there were some photos below, and all of them were stolen from Hanan's album.:P


haha,but this one was taken in the celebration after the camp.LOL...

The food is pretty delicious there.Best recommend!!


Fine...Let me introduce about my group in the camp.

They are noisy.That's all!


That's why we got this award.

The Award of....the sounds of crying and screaming!!!(terribly noisy!)


Did you understand what those people try to do?

I think you do because you see A-R-A-B-I-C in the picture!

It would be better without those bags.


Okay,the last but not least!!!This one is quite interesting!


okok...No more photos.

I know I tend to be an operator instaed of a leader most of the time, so this event gave a chance for me to lead a group, but it's not really like to lead them.I'd like to say...watching them.:P My group members are active themselves, and they really have the sense of wonder we were laughing all the time.Not until it ended did i know how impossible to work without teamwork.

Arabic department is the best ever!


As for another thing...I also got the chance to help some of my junior classmates

with Arabic.It's kinda ironic because I am also in need!LOL...

After that, I think it's really hard to be a teacher.You have to tolerate many things that upset you.No wonder some teachers changed a lots after years of teaching.

I asked Singing to order the Arabic dictionary from Amazon together.I hope I can learn how to use it after I get it.It sounds stupid I admit.> <

Mustafa you gotta teach me!

and.....Japanese? My teacher has finished lesson 4 now! and i haven't started to recite any words.It will be terrible because there will be a test for L1~L3. Ahhhhhhhh!!!


I bet this saturday will be definitely interesting in NCCU!

Especially in Arabic department!

I wanna see our Arabian sexy divas.yay~

and after that...the most terrible event will approach

Mid-term exam weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!

I am so scared!


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